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Sunday 30th March
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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Armstrong Family Room Next Event:

Sunday 30th March
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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Armstrong Family History

After William 1 conquered England in 1066, he rewarded his followers with land grants. Amongst these followers were ones known as "Forten Bras" which literally translates as "strong in the arm", itself a rare surname, and from these people developed the Armstrangs or Armstrongs. The clan has always been centred in Liddesdale in Cumbria, where its fierce and warlike members were enlisted by the Scottish and English kings in turn. The terms "Moss Troopers" and "Border Reivers" were applied to the clan Armstrong, the history of the clan being the history of "The Border" and the wars between England and Scotland...
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    Mary Ann Paul

    My husband's great great grandfather came from Enniskillen, Fermanaugh Ireland.  He came to Peterborough,Canada in 1850.  We are looking for anyone who woukld know that name, who his parents or family would have been.  Thanks. 
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    My great great grandfather William Armstrong born C 1804 to parents John and Frances nee Wainwright married surname Armstrong. My William Armstrong emmigrated to Australia 1839. My great grandmother was Eliza Armstrong. Through research found my Armstrong Irish families from 1793.; Visited them in 1995 very emotional. Still in touch with them. I'm writing books in Memory of my late mother Marjorie Amy Murrin (Plumb) it's through her mother Annie Maude Perks (Plumb) Eliza Perks (Armstrong). I do have research and birth,death & marriage certificates and other essential records. Also from the Ministers of Clones Church of Ireland records of births etc., dating back to 1683. Luckily the records weren't destroyed in the 1921 fire in Dublin. Also similar records from Rev. Kiehl's Minister of Aghdrumsee Church not too far from the border. Sometimes my Gmail mucks up. I'm , 76:a retired Special Education Teacher. Hope you receive this. Bye from me Merilyn Fabar home address is 95-97 Maxwell St Wellington 2820 New South Wales Australia.
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    Dennis Armstrong

    I am also looking for information on the Armstrongs of Brookboro, Ireland. They supposedly came from Scotland in the 17th century and moved on to British Colonial America sometime before the American Revolution. My ancestors are known to have lived in New York and then on to Shoreham, VT toward the end of the 18th century. Trying to make the connection to Ireland which I have done through family folklore and DNA, but no luck documenting it so far. Happy to share what I have.
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    MARIANNE Russell nee (Armstrong) Balteagh Portadown County Armagh DIED OCT. 9TH ( Mother of the great Irish Poet Writer & Artist ) 1897, AGED 61 YEARS.
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    Bill Armstrong

    Hello James, I am a distant relative of Marianne's. I wondered whether you know if she had any siblings and if so, their names. Regards, Bill
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    Dale Morrison

    I am looking for relatives of Robert Armstrong, b. 1804 in Fernanagh. Married ab. 1829. Died in Clarendon, Pontiac, Quebec Canada Mar. 12, 1890.
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    James Armstrong

    I'm looking for ant information about the Armstrongs in Fermanagh and more specifically around Brookeborough.
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    Anthony Barrett

    (Part 1 of 3) The Armstrong name can be found in Scotland, but its origin according to DNA is from the north-west coast of the Emerald Island. The Armstrong story [dominated by DNA tribal marker R1b-L513, Subgroup A1] can trace their origins to the Finn Valley in Donegal, Ireland from 50 BCE. Perhaps the journey begins with the Clanna Dedad; Deda, son of Sen or Deda Mac Sin. The Armstrong surname origin is from a Northern Ui Neill [R1b-L513] tribe. The Cenél Eoghan and the tribes of Donegal conquered much of Ulster (Derry and Tyrone).
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    Anthony Barrett

    (Part 2 of 3) Cenél Eoghan will expand across northern Ireland with their cousins Cenél Conaill and the Northern Ui Neill between 500-800 BCE. The clans of Finn Valley have the same DNA as people from Gwynedd in Brittany. But how could this be? Recent discoveries from DNA testing are unlocking the migration patterns of Celtic tribes as late as 800 CE to 1200 CE. The Armstrong story begins in pre-history Ireland then moves to Scotland as they form part of the Dalriada. Descendants of their tribe will then travel to Brittany, France during the Dark Ages.
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    Anthony Barrett

    (Part 3 of 3) Discover their newly found untold story and how forgotten texts bring their story back to life. From the ebook, “The Tribe Within” learn how DNA unfolds this amazing tale and if you look in the right places, how history narrates this evidence. There is another written account of their story, but it is camouflaged in smoke and myth – it will become the tales of King Arthur. Come follow in the footsteps of Deda Mac Sin and visit https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/401207
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